Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Moved out January 2. Filled out divorce paperwork together January 11. Filed with County Clerk January 22. Saw it in public records January 26.

I guess you could say I started 2010 with a bang.

Mixed emotions abound these days, from happiness, freedom and relief to sadness, loneliness, and sobbing depression. How did we let it get away from us??? How could two young people so in love just let it slip away?

I have been a smiling, bubbly, glass-half-full LIAR. I have successfully pushed the unpleasant emotions back for the past three weeks and it is now coming back to kick me in the ass.

Now comes the question, push them away again? Fill my life so full I don't have time to break down? Or allow myself to hurt and go through the motions?